星期四, 6月 02, 2011

勾魂歌 My Jolly Sailor Bold


睇完 3D 魔盜王4 , 都幾正, 貴左 D,
最鍾意個 D 美人魚靚女, 雖然有點凶狠 =_=!!
也好鍾意個首勾魂歌 My Jolly Sailor Bold, 系男人或者海盜聽完首歌都可能冇命。

返到屋企好想彈, 終於系youtube 學到, 彈到有點恐怖, 來獻臭了 ~ XDD


My heart is pierced by cupid, I distain all glittering gold.
There is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold.

Come all ye pretty fair maids, whoever ye may be,
that love a jolly sailor bold, that plows the raging sea.

My heart is pierced by cupid, I disdain all glittering gold.
There is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold.

