Lego MOC - Hogwarts Happy Church 幸福小教堂
小弟近期處於好開心好興奮好緊張的狀態,所以近來 MOC
作品中都加入一些浪漫幸福的景象。今次便以霍格華滋的格式,製造了這個開心小教堂。先做好 48x48 landscape
,再做上一個綠色小山丘,配以令人心曠神怡的花海,最後蓋上幸福小教堂及自已的 DIY 人仔,便出現了這個 Happy Wedding 的情景了
I will get marry as soon. It is the good feeling in my recent life. I
try to build up the happy church MOC and it is the harry potte style. I
named it as Hogwarts Happy Church. It made up with sea-flower,
landscape with smaill hill. I placed some my customized minifugures.
Now the happy wedding event is starting in Hogwarts Church ~~~!!
其實幸福小教堂是用上Alternative MOC 的 (是小弟善長的手法 =.=) ,用上 4842 分解後才重建便可以做上這個教堂仔~
不知有冇擁有 4842 朋友喜歡這個小教堂及想要說明書,可以同我講,但要時間製作呵~
Actually, in most of my moc, I like to used with alternative MOC. Haha ...this little church is used with 4842 set.
幸福小教堂 當然要有小小幸福故事啦~
Well, the happy wedding story is statring in happy church. Will you go & join us?
Great ~ my best friends , my lovely pet, the party is starting ~ Enjoy it ~ Cheers~ ^__^
It is the happy ending of the story and they
have a long happy life forever ~
And wish you have the happy life also ~
Lego MOC - Hogwarts Happy Church 幸福小教堂
Instruction 1
Instruction 2
Brickshelf :
Creator : Alanboar 豬公